Top of Utah Marathon 2011 - A Photographic Journey

by Pranab Banerjee Photography I have never photographed a marathon event before and I thought it would be fun to create a photo-journal for the 2011 Top of Utah Marathon that took place on September 17, 2011 right here in Cache Valley, where I live. My initial plan was to start taking photos starting at about the 14 miles mark where vehicle traffic was allowed that day. But it ended up being a rainy morning when the race started at 7 AM. So I decided to stay home till the rain stopped and not to risk my camera gear getting wet, as I do not have waterproof housing for my camera. I have never bothered to get one since I do not normally do any photography in rainy conditions. After the rain stopped, I managed to drive up to Providence near the 20 miles mark around 9:30 AM, and took my first set of photos of the marathon. I then stopped at Riverheights at 22 miles mark to take a few shots, and finally ended up at the finish line to capture more images. Here is a set of photos fr...